There’s Good and there’s Not Good

Daily writing prompt
What animals make the best/worst pets?

Good: Screaming goats

Taylor Swift likes them. I can think of at least one person in a similar position who would most likely not.

Also good: Fainting goats

Also also good, Talking Huskies

Okay, maybe talking Husky. Or, it may not make any difference.

And one cat to rule them all…

And now, not good.

Chihuhuas. Fuckin’ hate ’em.

Wolverines: Furry but not cuddly. Will kill and eat a Chihuhua, so they’re not all bad.

These wolverines are great

The Cassowary: As if ugly wasn’t bad enough.

This devil turkey will kill you. On the lighter side, it will probably kill your Chihuhua, too.

There are lots of baaaaad pets out there. These are the first ones that came to mind. The rest of these posts should be interesting.

16 thoughts on “There’s Good and there’s Not Good

        1. You’re absolutely right. One would definitely help to clear up my groundhog problem. I could also get him a vest and he could be my emotional support animal. There’s one way to clear out the waiting room at the tire store. 😰

          Liked by 1 person

            1. I didn’t even consider that. I would need to bring a bag of Chihuahuas for snacks if it’s a long flight. Nobody wants to be locked in a metal tube with a 250 pound cranky, hangry modern day dinosaur. This post just keeps on getting better, I may just have to write another one.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. I thinking I’ll stay with Chihuahuas, live, of course. If Koko, or Momo or Dodo starts to get bored I can let a couple of them go and he can have a little play time. As for the couple hundred people screaming in terror, I said he was an emotional support animal.

                Liked by 1 person

  1. I’m right there with you on the Chihuahuas. Fucking foul tempered ankle biters. I swear my cat is possessed. And there’s a long story about me as a child and goats.


      1. And then again. I have a friend whose cat was intolerant of anyone, even the cat lady cat sitter he tried to employ when he travelled. Cat hated everyone but him. And he showed up as feral!


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